
The Non-Extractive Future Podcast

The Non-Extractive Future Podcast is now live!   Hosted by Mario Pagano, this podcast reflects on how we can re-imagine private law in a more sustainable way and support alternative economic practices.  Available on major platforms, this very first episode will introduce the team and the N-EXTLAW project. Listen now and follow for upcoming releases!

De toekomst van winstuitkeringen aan aandeelhouders in een maatschappelijk ondernemingsrecht

Nena van der Horst (University of Amsterdam) Tijdschrift Ondernemingsrecht, 2023/98 Abstract: De afgelopen vijf à tien jaar is in Ne der land en Europa een ontwikkeling zichtbaar waarin met het on der nemings recht wordt geprobeerd te bewerkstelligen dat grote ven noot schap pen hun negatieve impact op mens en milieu inperken. Het wettelijk systeem … Read more

Industrial Policy for a Sustainable European Economy: Toward Ownership that Works for People 

This text was drafted as the conclusion of the Conference “Transforming Ownership in Times of Overlapping Crisis”, held in Amsterdam, 5-6 October 2023. We are preparing a longer white paper on the basis of the conference contributions. Hence, any reactions to the text below are welcome. Please send them to: and Marija Bartl, University of Amsterdam & Rutger … Read more

Transforming Ownership In Times of Overlapping Crises

N-EXTLAW has worked with colleagues from Utrecht University to organise an academic conference titled ‘Transforming Ownership in Times of Overlapping Crises’ taking place in Amsterdam on October 5-6, 2023. The goal of this event is to bring together academics, policymakers and practitioners of transformative practices from across Europe, to discuss some of the most pressing … Read more

Policy Proposal: Transition Reserve and Transition Investment Plan for Large Polluters (English Version)

Marija Bartl and Nena van der Horst have written a policy proposal requiring large polluters to maintain a ‘transition reserve’ and develop meaningful ‘transition investment plans.’ It builds on their recent working paper: Taking the Green Transition Seriously: A Proposal for a ‘Transition Reserve’. This policy proposal outlines the potential legal mechanisms by which the … Read more

Transitiereserve en Transitie-Investeringsplan voor Grote Vervuilers

Marija Bartl en Nena van der Horst Dit voorstel verplicht bedrijven met een grote CO2-uitstoot om een ‘transitiereserve’ aan te houden en serieuze ‘transitie-investeringsplannen’ te ontwikkelen. Het voorstel laat zien hoe een transitiereserve en transitie-investeringsplannen in het Nederlands recht zouden kunnen worden geïmplementeerd, en wat de voordelen daarvan zouden zijn. Voor een verdere uitwerking van … Read more

N-EXTLAW Newsletter: Project Updates

We’re delighted to share our first newsletter and update you on the previous activities of the Project and our plans for the upcoming year. With many exciting developments, including the addition of our new team member Mario and the commencement our PAR Study in Italy, we have much to share and are very much looking … Read more

PAR Study in the Netherlands Summary

In this blog, Amy and Nena give an overview of our ongoing PAR study in the Netherlands. They reflect upon the knowledge gathered through recent sessions held by the N-EXLAW team in connection our study participants, detailing the key outcomes. It further provides information on current projects resulting from these consultations. These include Profit in … Read more

Blog – ‘Levelling the Playing Field: Making the BVm Viable’

N-EXTLAW’s Zafar Shaikhli has written a blog post on ‘Levelling the Playing Field: Making the BVm Viable’. In this blog, Zafar discusses the uneven playing field between social and commercial enterprises due to the difficulties social enterprises face when attracting financing. Examining the Dutch BVm proposal and its lack of incentives, Zafar looks at other attempts … Read more

N-EXTLAW Working Paper: Experimental Regulation for Social Innovations

N-EXTLAW’s Marlie Janssens has written a working paper on ‘Experimental Regulation for Social Innovations’ as part of the N-EXTLAW Working Paper Series. In this working paper, Marlie argues that experimental regulation could offer a solution to unnecessary obstructions for social innovations by providing a more flexible legal framework that fosters innovation and stimulates social practices. After … Read more